Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (2024)

  • Appliances

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Product Compare (0)

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (1)


3 Additional Option

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (3)

36-Inch Wide French Door Refrigerator - 25 cu. ft.

  • Everyday Price : $3,099.00

Get the storage you need in this refrigerator with water dispenser. An exterior refrigerated drawer ..

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (4)

36-Inch Wide French Door Refrigerator - 25 cu. ft.

Get the storage you need in this refrigerator with water dispenser. An exterior refrigerated drawer ..

  • Everyday Price : $3,099.00

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (5)


1 Additional Option

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (7)

GE® ENERGY STAR® 23.1 Cu. Ft. Counter-Depth Fingerprint Resistant French-Door Refrigerator

  • Sale Price : $2,999.00

GE® ENERGY STAR® 23.1 Cu. Ft. Counter-Depth Fingerprint Resistant French-Door Refrigerator..

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (8)

GE® ENERGY STAR® 23.1 Cu. Ft. Counter-Depth Fingerprint Resistant French-Door Refrigerator

GE® ENERGY STAR® 23.1 Cu. Ft. Counter-Depth Fingerprint Resistant French-Door Refrigerator..

  • Sale Price : $2,999.00

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (9)


3 Additional Option

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (11)

36-inch Wide French Door Refrigerator - 25 cu. ft.

  • Everyday Price : $2,699.00

Organize foods for your family in this Whirlpool® french door refrigerator available in fingerprint-..

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (12)

36-inch Wide French Door Refrigerator - 25 cu. ft.

Organize foods for your family in this Whirlpool® french door refrigerator available in fingerprint-..

  • Everyday Price : $2,699.00

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (13)


2 Additional Option


Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (15)

Café™ 30" Smart Slide-In, Front-Control, Gas Range with Convection Oven

  • Everyday Price : $3,399.00
  • Sale Price : $2,665.00
  • Total Savings : $734.00

Café™ 30" Smart Slide-In, Front-Control, Gas Range with Convection Oven..

Café™ 30" Smart Slide-In, Front-Control, Gas Range with Convection Oven

Café™ 30" Smart Slide-In, Front-Control, Gas Range with Convection Oven..

  • Everyday Price : $3,399.00
  • Sale Price : $2,665.00
  • Total Savings : $734.00

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (17)


2 Additional Option

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (19)

GE® ENERGY STAR® 22.1 Cu. Ft. Counter-Depth French-Door Refrigerator

  • Sale Price : $2,443.00

GE® ENERGY STAR® 22.1 Cu. Ft. Counter-Depth French-Door Refrigerator..

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (20)

GE® ENERGY STAR® 22.1 Cu. Ft. Counter-Depth French-Door Refrigerator

GE® ENERGY STAR® 22.1 Cu. Ft. Counter-Depth French-Door Refrigerator..

  • Sale Price : $2,443.00

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (21)


2 Additional Option

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (23)

GE® ENERGY STAR® 22.1 Cu. Ft. Counter-Depth Fingerprint Resistant French-Door Refrigerator

  • Sale Price : $2,443.00

GE® ENERGY STAR® 22.1 Cu. Ft. Counter-Depth Fingerprint Resistant French-Door Refrigerator..

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (24)

GE® ENERGY STAR® 22.1 Cu. Ft. Counter-Depth Fingerprint Resistant French-Door Refrigerator

GE® ENERGY STAR® 22.1 Cu. Ft. Counter-Depth Fingerprint Resistant French-Door Refrigerator..

  • Sale Price : $2,443.00

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (25)


3 Additional Option

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (27)

5.8 cu. ft. Smart Slide-in Gas Range with Air Fry, when Connected

  • Everyday Price : $2,399.00

Cut out routine steps and get the right settings every time with this slide-in gas range. The stove'..

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (28)

5.8 cu. ft. Smart Slide-in Gas Range with Air Fry, when Connected

Cut out routine steps and get the right settings every time with this slide-in gas range. The stove'..

  • Everyday Price : $2,399.00

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (29)


2 Additional Option

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (31)

36-inch Wide French Door Refrigerator with Water Dispenser - 25 cu. ft.

  • Everyday Price : $2,399.00

Get the storage your family needs and easily access filtered water with this refrigerator's water di..

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (32)

36-inch Wide French Door Refrigerator with Water Dispenser - 25 cu. ft.

Get the storage your family needs and easily access filtered water with this refrigerator's water di..

  • Everyday Price : $2,399.00

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (33)


3 Additional Option

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (35)

36-Inch Wide French Door Refrigerator - 25 cu. ft.

  • Everyday Price : $2,999.00
  • Sale Price : $2,221.00
  • Total Savings : $778.00

Get the storage you need in this refrigerator with water dispenser. An exterior refrigerated drawer ..

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (36)

36-Inch Wide French Door Refrigerator - 25 cu. ft.

Get the storage you need in this refrigerator with water dispenser. An exterior refrigerated drawer ..

  • Everyday Price : $2,999.00
  • Sale Price : $2,221.00
  • Total Savings : $778.00

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (37)


3 Additional Option

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (39)

36-inch Wide French Door Refrigerator - 25 cu. ft.

  • Everyday Price : $2,699.00
  • Sale Price : $1,999.00
  • Total Savings : $700.00

Organize foods for your family in this Whirlpool® french door refrigerator available in fingerprint-..

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (40)

36-inch Wide French Door Refrigerator - 25 cu. ft.

Organize foods for your family in this Whirlpool® french door refrigerator available in fingerprint-..

  • Everyday Price : $2,699.00
  • Sale Price : $1,999.00
  • Total Savings : $700.00

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (41)


4 Additional Option

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (43)

GE® ENERGY STAR® 25.7 Cu. Ft. Fingerprint Resistant French-Door Refrigerator

  • Sale Price : $1,888.00

GE® ENERGY STAR® 25.7 Cu. Ft. Fingerprint Resistant French-Door Refrigerator..

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (44)

GE® ENERGY STAR® 25.7 Cu. Ft. Fingerprint Resistant French-Door Refrigerator

GE® ENERGY STAR® 25.7 Cu. Ft. Fingerprint Resistant French-Door Refrigerator..

  • Sale Price : $1,888.00

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (45)


2 Additional Option


Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (47)

30-Inch 5 Burner Gas Double Oven Convection Range

  • Everyday Price : $2,499.00
  • Sale Price : $1,777.00
  • Total Savings : $722.00

This beautiful gas double oven range produces flawless cooking results with Even-Heat™ True Convecti..

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (48)

30-Inch 5 Burner Gas Double Oven Convection Range

This beautiful gas double oven range produces flawless cooking results with Even-Heat™ True Convecti..

  • Everyday Price : $2,499.00
  • Sale Price : $1,777.00
  • Total Savings : $722.00

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (49)


Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (51)

GE® ENERGY STAR® 27.0 Cu. Ft. French-Door Refrigerator

  • Sale Price : $1,665.00

GE® ENERGY STAR® 27.0 Cu. Ft. French-Door Refrigerator..

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (52)

GE® ENERGY STAR® 27.0 Cu. Ft. French-Door Refrigerator

GE® ENERGY STAR® 27.0 Cu. Ft. French-Door Refrigerator..

  • Sale Price : $1,665.00

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (53)


Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (55)

GE® ENERGY STAR® 27.0 Cu. Ft. Fingerprint Resistant French-Door Refrigerator

  • Sale Price : $1,665.00

GE® ENERGY STAR® 27.0 Cu. Ft. Fingerprint Resistant French-Door Refrigerator..

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (56)

GE® ENERGY STAR® 27.0 Cu. Ft. Fingerprint Resistant French-Door Refrigerator

GE® ENERGY STAR® 27.0 Cu. Ft. Fingerprint Resistant French-Door Refrigerator..

  • Sale Price : $1,665.00

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (57)


Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (59)

GE® 21.8 Cu. Ft. Counter-Depth Fingerprint Resistant Side-By-Side Refrigerator

  • Sale Price : $1,554.00

GE® 21.8 Cu. Ft. Counter-Depth Fingerprint Resistant Side-By-Side Refrigerator..

Appliances at A.K. Nahas in Beaver, PA (60)

GE® 21.8 Cu. Ft. Counter-Depth Fingerprint Resistant Side-By-Side Refrigerator

GE® 21.8 Cu. Ft. Counter-Depth Fingerprint Resistant Side-By-Side Refrigerator..

  • Sale Price : $1,554.00
  • 1
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  • >
  • >|

Showing 1 to 15 of 13103 (874 Pages)

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Empty name field!

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Invalid e-mail address

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10 digits phone number is required

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10 digits phone number is required

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Invalid Zipcode!

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We are sorry, but we do not deliver to your area. Please contact our store, and we can facilitate a pick up.

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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Views: 6486

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Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.